Roehampton Climate Network to discuss the role of banking in the climate emergency

  • Tuesday, May 11, 2021

Join Professor Molly Scott Cato (Professor of Green Economics at the University of Roehampton and former Green MEP for South West England and Gibraltar), Dr Rodrigo Silva de Souza (University of Roehampton), and Frank van Lerven (Senior Economist for the UK think tank the ‘New Economics Foundation’) in this online event addressing if money is part of the problem or part of the solution to the Climate Crisis.

Image - Roehampton Climate Network to discuss the role of banking in the climate emergency

Extinction Rebellion have turned their attention to the finance sector, attacking bank offices in a money rebellion that claims banks are ‘prioritising short-sighted, short-term profits over long-term survival’. It could be argued the reality is quite different with central, corporate and retail banks all shifting their activities in response to the climate emergency.

At this event it will be discussed how much of this activity is greenwashing and how much is real. How should we interpret the change to the Bank of England’s mandate in the budget? How can it be possible that banks are still funding fossil fuels? What is the role of the new National Infrastructure Bank and can it act fast enough to fund the sustainability transition?

Booking for the event can be found here.