Southlands Alumni

Southlands is keen to keep in touch with former students. In order to stay in touch with you, we need your most recent contact details, please update or register your details on our Alumni pages.


Following the success of our 150th anniversary celebrations in 2022, more details of which can be found here, Southlands College is relaunching the annual Southlands Saturday reunion on 2nd September 2023. All Southlands alumni are welcome.

The programme for the day is:

10.00 - 11.30 Registration, refreshments and reuniting with friends

11.30 Service of welcome in the College Chapel

13.00 Lunch hosted by Dr Christopher Stephens, Head of Southlands College

14.30 - 16.30 Alumni year groups can meet in pre-booked meeting rooms.

And/or you can join tours of the College and University, led by staff.

At 3.00 there will be a short, illustrated talk on the history of Southlands College.

The cost for the day is £45.00 per person to include coffee on arrival, lunch and afternoon tea. You are welcome to bring a companion with you, to ease your journey, they are invited to join you for the day’s activities, and the cost is also £45.00 per person. There is accommodation available in the new Elm Grove student residencies for the 1st and 2nd September, the cost is £48.60 per night.

Book now  

Southlands is a constituent college of the University of Roehampton, we are extremely keen that you remain part of our community, with access to the resources, events and news about the whole University. To help with this, we have a dedicated and expert staff team, who will do all they can to keep you involved in the Southlands and Roehampton community.


If you have any other alumni enquiries, please get in touch here or for general information on alumni services, contact  Former students are also members of the University of Roehampton Alumni and may receive separate communications through that channel, unless they choose to opt out.