Music at Southlands

Southlands is the hub of music at Roehampton. As well as housing the Applied Music Research department, our Director of Music, Dr Gulliver Ralston, leads an active programme of music performance events and music-focused activities, like talks and suppers. Gulliver is always pleased to meet new performers (staff and students) and anyone who can support music activity, including people with skills in set design and the technical side of performances. Please do get in touch with him or find him in room QB136.

At Southlands there are a number of practice rooms and performance spaces. To use these, contact Gulliver.

The colleges all appoint music scholarships, of a value up to £1,200 per year, and have a student internship programme. To learn more about these, visit the Scholarships pages or speak with Gulliver.

Visit the Music Society Facebook group.

Performers at the Music Gala held annually at Southlands

Carols by the tree are held annually in the Quad