Student Leadership opportunities at Southlands

There are many ways that Southlands students and staff can get involved with the life of the college. Some of these are informal, where you can volunteer for the college or perhaps run a project idea that you are passionate about. There are also more formal, paid opportunities to get involved in the life of the College, see below for further information.

College Officers:

A team with responsibilities for looking after a range of areas of college life, including student activities and events. Our College President and Deputy President positions are elected by students, and the Roehampton Student Union will be running elections in Spring 2023 for the academic year 2023-2024, both of these roles are a great opportunity to support your fellow students and improve your leadership skills.

College Officers must live on campus and they receive a generous stipend/discount on accommodation. If you are interested in running for one of these positions then please email

College Community Leaders

Our Southlands College Community Leaders are paid student leaders in the college who are here to help improve college life and foster community spirit; that wonderful sense of belonging that makes being part of Southlands special!

Being an SCCL is an excellent opportunity to contribute to the community at Southlands College, develop your skills, improve your employability and support yourself financially at university.

Students with 6+ months’ experience at Roehampton are encouraged to apply. Applications will open in Spring 2023 for the 2023-2024 academic year. If you are interested in applying to be a CCL, or have any questions about the positions, please email

College Community Leaders training day – CCLs can take part in a variety of training and CPD

Southlands College Community Leaders organise a variety of activities for students. They led an Outdoor Movie Night in September 2022


Becoming a Flat Rep: 

Flat Reps are college resident volunteers who live here in their second or third years to take a leadership role within the community and to support a flat of first years as they settle into university life.

Flat Reps receive training and gain a lot of benefits, including some extra social activities and free tickets to some events. They are important people in the college community, to help our students get settled into college life, give welfare support and important information to the college team about residential life at Southlands College.

2023The recruitment process for 2023-2024 begins in January and involves an application form and interview. When the process is open for 2023-2024, details will appear throughout the college, and on our social media.

Our Flat Reps at the College Cup Launch 2021

Our Flat Reps at the College Cup Launch 2021

Flat Reps working at the Freshers’ Fair 2022

Flat Reps working at the Freshers’ Fair 2022

Our Flat Reps getting to know our early arrivals in September 2021

Our Flat Reps getting to know our early arrivals in September 2021

And some more showing their Shark Spirit!

Southlands Venture:

An exciting initiative that helps you to help others. Southlands Venture aims to empower students to deliver a community–based project of their choice. Whether you organise an event, coordinate a campaign, or manage an ongoing project, Southlands Venture is here to help you enhance your skills and experience by planning and delivering a project you are passionate about! 

With help and mentoring from the Southlands Venture team you can bring your idea to life.

Past projects have included: 

  • Building a roof for the chicken house on campus
  • Collecting food for a local foodbank
  • ‘Water is Free’ campaign 
  • Making Christmas Hampers for a homeless shelter
  • Taking the virtual reality experience to care homes
  • Accompaniment of the elderly to grow vegetables in a community allotment
  • Organising an auction event to raise money for a charity supporting orphans

If you have a community-project or campaign idea we want to hear about it and help you to make it a successful venture!  We will offer support and guidance and link you up with an experienced mentor who will help you plan and deliver your venture. Small grants to help with expenses are also available.

Your venture project has to meet three simple criteria: 

  1. Have an element involving the community (university or local area), volunteering, or


  1. Involve other people beyond the project organiser 
  2. Be completed within a 12 week time frame

How to get started 

If you have an idea for a project, please get in touch with the Southlands Venture team by emailing us on  

The chickens on campus have become part of the University family, through the Southlands Venture, their house was given a new roof!