Joint Honorary Awards Committee




Vice-Chancellor, Chair Professor Jean-Noël Ezingeard (ex officio
Chair of Council Phil Walker
DVC & Provost OR a
Pro Vice-Chancellor
Professor Anna Gough-Yates (ex officio
Director of Strategy & External Relations Liam Hurley (ex officio
Director of Alumni Development Eleanor Merrick (ex officio
Students’ Union President Harrison Cohen (ex officio
Independent Member of Council Vacancy
College Member of Council Vacancy
Five members nominated by Senate:
Senate Member Professor Ann David
Senate Member Professor Mick Cooper
Senate Member Vacancy
Senate Member Vacancy
Senate Member Vacancy

The Joint Honorary Awards Committee (JHAC) considers nominations received, and initiates suggestions, for candidates for the award of Honorary Degrees and Fellowships of the University of Roehampton. It also makes recommendations to Senate and Council in respect of Honorary Degrees and Fellowships, and, where appropriate, makes recommendations to Senate on any ceremonial aspects to do with the conferment of Honorary Degrees and Fellowships.

Terms of Reference for the Joint Honorary Awards Committee can be founds in the University Regulations (at 9.20) on this page

Updated: October 2022