Curriculum Strategy Committee

Terms of Reference 2022/2023

To act with delegated authority on behalf of Senate (except on issues of principle) and report to Senate on all matters relating to the development of the academic curriculum. More particularly, within the overarching framework of the University’s Vision and Strategic Plan:

1. Developmental

1.1.   To develop and advise Senate on policy relating to the University’s academic curriculum
1.2   To develop and advise Senate on policy relating to the University’s external academic collaborations
1.3.   To develop overarching strategies for delivering curriculum and collaborative policy through the Faculty/Schools
1.4.   To agree the development of new subjects and programmes (credit and non-credit bearing) and the closure of existing subjects/programme
1.5.   To ensure a shared approach to curriculum development across the Faculty/ Schools
1.6.   To ensure that developmental decisions are appropriately informed by the external environment
1.7.   To ensure that developmental decisions are appropriately informed by financial, compliance and resource considerations

2. Institutional Monitoring

2.1.   To monitor progress in the delivery of curriculum and collaborative policy through scrutiny of Faculty/School business planning
2.2.   To own and maintain a definitive list of programmes and programme conveners

3. Operational

3.1.   To receive reports from the Portfolio Development Committee, Collaborative
Provision Operations Group, Apprenticeship Board, and other University committees as appropriate
3.2.   To present an annual report to Senate
3.3.   To consider, on behalf of Senate, proposals for collaborative activity in relation to relevant University strategies and plans and recommend approval where such alignment is shown

4. Associated Committees and Groups

4.1.   Portfolio Development Committee
4.2.   Collaborative Partnerships Operations Group
4.3.   Apprenticeship Board

Meeting Frequency

Normally six meetings per academic year.


CSC will be serviced by a member of staff identified by the Academic Registrar.


Collaborative Provision Review Subcommittee
Collaborative Partnerships Operations Group
Short Course Committee

Composition and Membership 2022/23

Composition Membership
Deputy Vice-Chancellor & Provost [Chair] Professor Anna Gough-Yates
PVC Education [*Vice-Chair] Dr Stephen Driver
Associate PVC (Academic Portfolio Development) Peter Flew
Director of Recruitment, Admissions & International Development Guillaume Richard
Academic Registrar Ranjit Sahota
Head of Marketing and Communications  Caragh Johnson
In attendance  
Senior Administrative Officer (Quality) [Secretary] TBC

* The Vice-Chair will be whichever Pro Vice-Chancellor is available for the meeting

Updated: December 2022