Research and Knowledge Exchange Committee




Vice-Chancellor [Chair] Professor Jean-Noël Ezingeard  
DVC & Provost [Vice-Chair] Professor Anna Gough-Yates  
PVC (Research & External Engagement) Dr Richard Keogh  

Nomination from each Research and Knowledge Exchange Centre (normally the directors):


Integrated Research in Life, Health and the Environment Professor Anne Robertson  
Research in Psychology Wellbeing Professor Paul Allen  
Learning, Teaching and Human Development Professor Ian Abrahams  
Research in Arts and Creative Exchange  Professor Sara Houston  
Sustainability and Responsible Management  Professor Stephen Drinkwater  
Practical Philosophy, Theology and Religion Professor Fiona Ellis  
History and Classics Professor Edward Vallance  
Literature and Inclusion  Professor Clare McManus  
Equality, Justice and Social Change Professor Mark McCormack  
In attendance:    
Head of Research and Knowledge Exchange Development Jose Magalhaes  
Secretary (nominated by the Research Office): Research Services Manager Nisha Gouveia  

Terms of Reference 2022/23

to act with the delegated authority of Senate in matters relating to research and
knowledge exchange activity at the University; specifically, the committee has
responsibility for the following:

  1. To retain strategic oversight and responsibility for delivery of all research and knowledge exchange activity within the University.
  2. To monitor and review progress against the Research and Knowledge Exchange Enabling Strategy targets.
  3. To consider and respond to the external research and knowledge exchange environment with implications for how this activity is carried out at the University.
  4. To monitor and review progress against the University’s submission to the external assessment exercises.
  5. To retain oversight of the policies, procedures, and guidelines necessary to support high quality research and knowledge exchange activity.
  6. To monitor and review the impact of institutional strategies, policies, and guidelines in relation to research and knowledge exchange on Equality, Diversity and Inclusion.
  7. To retain oversight of the high-level external and internal risks relating to research and knowledge exchange.
  8. To provide an Annual Report on University research and knowledge exchange activity and progress to Senate at the conclusion of each academic year.

Meeting Frequency

Normally three meetings per year.

Updated: January 2023