Research Degrees Committee   



PVC (Research & External Engagement) [Chair] Dr Richard Keogh
Director, Graduate School [Vice-Chair] Professor Ted Vallance
Academic Registrar Ranjit Sahota; vc Gillian Baldwin
Senior Graduate School Officer Miles Purcell

A Research Degree Convenor from each Department: 

Arts Professor Alexandra Kolb
Education Professor Lorella Terzi
Humanities (English & Creative Writing,  Classics, History, Philosophy Dr Lisa Sainsbury
Social Sciences (TRS) Dr Ashley Cocksworth
Life and Health Sciences Professor Lewis Halsey
Psychology Professor Cecilia Essau
School of Business and Law Dr Michael Izak
AHRC TECHNE DTP Training Chair Professor Sara Houston

Programme Convenors for Professional Doctorates

PhD (Professional) Education  Dr Melissa Jogie
PsychD Conselling Psychology    Professor Mick Cooper
Doctor of Practical Theology (DTh)        Dr Ashley Cocksuch

Four Student Representatives, nominated by the Chair (open business only):

Research Culture TBC
Community TBC
Professional Development TBC
Equality, Diversity and Inclusion TBC

Other representatives from central services by invitation as appropriate (open business only):

IT & Media Services TBC
Library/ Academic Achievement Anne Pietsch
LTEU Bridget Middlemas
Administrative Representative and Secretary nominated by the Academic Registrar TBC

Terms of Reference 2022/23

The Research Degrees Committee acts with the delegated authority of the University Senate on all matters relating to the award of Research Degrees and Professional Doctorates.

The terms of reference of the Research Degrees Committee with regard to Research Degrees and the research component of Professional Doctorates are, acting in accordance with the regulations and policies of the University:

  • to determine and review the overall arrangements and criteria for the admission, supervision, training, monitoring and assessment of research students;
  • to monitor the overall academic progress of research students;
  • to work with academic and support departments to enhance the experience of research students working at the University;
  • to review and make recommendations to Senate on the academic regulations;
  • to appoint and consider the recommendations of internal and external examiners for the final examination and to grant awards to eligible research students;
  • to consider the implications of external frameworks as they relate to research students;
  • to consider any relevant matters referred to it by the University, a Research Student Review Board, Department Committee or Research Student Representative;
  • to review and make recommendations to the Graduate School on the training of research supervisors;
  • to report annually to Senate on research degree policies, regulations and standards, including feedback from external examiners.

Meetings and Decisions

The Research Degrees Committee meets as required to conduct business, normally four times across the calendar year.

The membership of the Research Degrees Committee comprises a Chair, appointed by the Vice-Chancellor, and the Research Degrees Convenor from each academic department. Academic staff with responsibility for Research Student programmes and training, relevant staff from the Research Office and Graduate School, and Research Student Representatives. 

The Vice-Chancellor and the Academic Registrar each has the right to attend, or to send a representative to attend meetings of the Research Degrees Committee in a non-voting capacity. The Chair may permit other individuals to attend meetings in a non-voting capacity as required.

Decisions of the Research Degrees Committee are normally reached by consensus and are binding on all members. Resolutions may be reached by a majority vote of those members who are present, with the Chair holding a casting vote.

The Chair, or their delegate, has authority to take decisions on behalf of the Research Degrees Committee between meetings either independently, or in correspondence with other members. Any action taken in this way will be reported at the next meeting.

Updated: December 2022