Student Engagement Working Group

Student Engagement Working Group: Enhancing the student voice at Roehampton

There have been significant changes to the student population at Roehampton over the past 10 years, becoming more diverse and drawn from backgrounds less likely than in the past to go on to higher education. In developing its academic provision, the University is working to meet the needs of the new generation of Roehampton students and ensure positive academic and graduate outcomes for all our students whatever their background. Listening to students and engaging them in the design, quality assurance and enhancement of our programmes is a critical part of this work.

A new Director of Student Academic Engagement has been appointed to lead on student engagement across the University. To support their work, LTQC has set up a Student Engagement Working Group. The group is co-chaired by the VP Education from the Roehampton Students’ Union and the Director of Student Academic Engagement. The terms of reference and membership follow.

Terms of Reference

The student engagement working group will take a strategic lead across the University to ensure that Roehampton students, whatever their background:

  • Are at the heart of all academic enhancement initiatives
  • Are fully engaged in all aspects of academic quality assurance
  • Feel that their engagement in the academic community is worthwhile and makes a difference

The working group will:

  1. Develop, champion and oversee the implementation of a University student engagement strategy that draws on best practice across the sector.
  2. Ensure effective systems are in place so the student voice is fully embedded in University governance, quality assurance and academic enhancement.
  3. Ensure all relevant University strategies, policies and procedures are implemented in full so student satisfaction is maximised across the University.
  4. Promote a culture of excellent and innovative student engagement.
  5. Review and monitor the student journey from pre entry and induction through to graduation, to ensure consistently high standards of student experience in the quality of teaching and the learning environment across the University.
  6. Commission and lead a number of specified projects aimed at ensuring students are partners in University change projects.
  7. Review and monitor departmental National Student Survey action plans.



Vice-President Education RSU  Levi Mbiya (co-chair)

Director of Student Engagement

Marilyn Holness (co-chair)

Students Up to 4 from across Colleges/programmes
Student Voice Coordinator RSU  Matt Hurst
LTQG Representative Gina Pauli 
Academic Office Gillian Baldwin or Deputy
Planning Office Gareth Merchant
Executive Officer (Vice-Chancellor's Office) Jordan Kenny 
Learning & Teaching Project Officer Nikhil Patel
Ex officio Chair of LTQC