Senior Lecturer at Roehampton to co-organize the 20th IMISCOE Annual Conference, held in Warsaw on July 2023.

  • Monday, January 9, 2023

Senior Roehampton Lecturer, Mr Michal P. Garapich, to co-organize a panel at the yearly biggest migration conference; the 20th IMISCOE (International Migration Research Network) Annual Conference.

Minorities-migrants-refugees and transnational mobilization in the face of war in Ukraine. Since Russia's aggression and full-scale war against Ukraine, we have seen a grassroots mobilization of society, unprecedented in its scale, focused on helping Ukrainian refugees. In our panel, we want to focus on the non-obvious actors in this process - migrant and minority communities. We invite researchers who focus on the experience of various minoritized communities (e.g. the Ukrainian minority communities, Roma communities and other migrant or religious organizations), in addressing the topic of transnational and ethnic mobilization in countries receiving refugees from Ukraine. We ask about the importance of experience and memory, especially those concerning the memory of forced migration or the Holocaust.

Image - Senior Lecturer at Roehampton to co-organize the 20th IMISCOE Annual Conference, held in Warsaw on July 2023.

These examples break the dominant, homogenizing, state-centric and nation-centric discourse on solidarity and aid. By showing the breaches and bumps present in this process, we problematize the otherwise idealized image of e.g. "Polish aid." We wish to reflect on power relations and asymmetries, as well as solidarities along the lines of majority society ─ minority society ─ migrants ─ refugees.

On a theoretical level, we wish to reflect on the implications of current processes for relations with the state and majority society, both in Ukraine and outside of it, as well as the taken for granted ethnic and national categories, their ambivalence and their inevitable social and political (re)constructions. Through this conceptual and empirical engagement this panel seeks to question, and examine various political uses, and incarnations of methodological nationalism in migration studies, especially dealing with forced migration and minority-majority nexus.

The event will be held 3-6th July, in Warsaw. 


Centre of Migration Research Warsaw University
University of Roehampton | London

Session organizers and moderators:

Kamila Fiałkowska (OBM UW), Ignacy Jóźwiak (OBM UW),
Michał P. Garapich (University of Roehampton), Elżbieta Mirga-Wójtowicz (OBM UW)

More about IMISCOE and the conference can be found here
