Classics comes of age at Roehampton

  • Wednesday, February 9, 2022

Library exhibition celebrates 21 years of classics teaching at Roehampton

Image - Classics comes of age at Roehampton

Throughout February an exhibition in the library foyer will celebrate classics teaching at Roehampton, which this year marks its 21st anniversary.

In the early 2000s Dr Charlotte Behr, now an Honorary Research Fellow, and Professor Trevor Dean, now Professor Emeritus, saw great potential for a new classical programme at Roehampton and set about making it happen. The result of their vision was a programme of study unlike any other classics course in the UK, which for over two decades has been shaping how classics is done both nationally and globally. The exhibition, curated by Professor Susan Deacy, gives just a flavour of the work of classicists and ancient historians at the University, past and present.