Former Archbishop of Canterbury to address Roehampton research centre

  • Friday, February 18, 2022
Image - Former Archbishop of Canterbury to address Roehampton research centre

Former Archbishop of Canterbury Rowan Williams will be presenting a paper entitled Creed and Worship: some insights from history to the Research Group in Theology, Religion and Practice on 17 March 2022, online from 11.30am.

In 2013 Prof Williams was made a life peer, becoming Lord Williams of Oystermouth. He is currently an Honorary Professor of Contemporary Christian Thought at the University of Cambridge, and former Master of Magdalene College (Cambridge) and Lady Margaret Professor of Divinity (Oxford),

The paper is part of the Faith Long Lived project, which investigates experiences of saying creeds among older people in local Roehampton churches. Funded by the Southlands Methodist Trust, the project is led by Roehampton's Dr Ashley Cocksworth and colleagues in the Centre for Practical Philosophy, Theology and Religion.

All students and staff are welcome to attend the seminar. Please email Ashely Cocksworth to request the Zoom link.