New secretary of UK’s leading organisation for American Studies is Roehampton Professor

  • Tuesday, May 30, 2017

Professor Sylvia Ellis has been elected to serve as Secretary of the British Association for American Studies (BAAS), the UK's leading organisation for research on the United States.

The BAAS works closely with the American Embassy and the Eccles Centre for American Studies at the British Library, to promote and support the study of the United States in universities and schools across the UK.

Roehampton has a strong modern and US history offering in the Department of Humanities, where Sylvia Ellis is a professor of Modern History specialising in UK-US relations, foreign policy, and protest movements such as those against the Vietnam War.

Mike Edwards, says ‘Professor Ellis' new role for the British Association for American Studies reflects the modern and relevant direction of History at Roehampton, which has been augmented this year with a number of new appointments’.

As secretary over a three-year term, Professor Ellis will administer a number of high-profile events, prizes and awards designed to support students and researchers of the US.

Professor Sylvia Ellis has published works on Britain, America and the Vietnam War, and on Lyndon Johnson and Civil Rights.