Roehampton hosts Press for Progress Conference in partnership with local schools

  • Monday, March 12, 2018

Young Catholic women from local sixth forms got together to discuss their hopes and plans for their future at an event celebrating International Women's Day 2018.

Image - Roehampton hosts Press for Progress Conference in partnership with local schools

As part of the celebrations for International Women’s Day, Professor Tina Beattie, of Roehampton and Catherine of Siena College, and Julia Waters, headteacher of Ursuline High School, ran a conference for young Catholic women from local 6th forms.

In line with the International Women’s Day 2018 theme of #pressforprogress, the conference focused on what the attendees could do to become ‘agents of change in our world’.

The conference took place in Elm Grove, Roehampton’s conference centre, with a view out over the lake on Digby College and to the city beyond.

Guest speakers came from across the globe to discuss their experiences as Catholic women. These included Mishal Francis, founder of the Hope Human Development & Welfare Association, Ursula Halligan, a print and TV journalist who is also the Journalist in Residence at Dublin City University, Ginny Jordan-Arthur, Roehampton’s Catholic chaplain, and Ruth Asfaha, a Chaplaincy Community Worker at Roehampton.

The event focused on the ways that women and girls can find a voice within their church and their communities, addressing both the opportunities and barriers they face in modern society.

Professor Beattie, a theologian and professor of Catholic Studies, addressed the need to face the future with dignity, courage and grace. Topics explored during the day-long session included ‘Young women changing the church and the world’ and ‘Becoming the person I am called to be’.

Professor Beattie said, 'I've always been passionate about promoting the voices of women in the Church and beyond, and this event does just that. I believe that values often associated with women should be common to all who seek a just and sustainable world'.

Ms Waters said, 'The event was an opportunity to think about how we as Catholic women can become agents of change and press for progress in our Church and our world'.