Second edition of Prof Mark McCormack's core sociology textbook is released

  • Friday, February 19, 2021

International popularity of first edition led to demand for an update from academics and students

Mark mcCormack's book cover.jpg

Professor Mark McCormack's book Discovering Sociology is a recommended introductory text for students embarking on sociology degrees throughout the UK, USA and Australia, including of course Roehampton's own Year 1 undergraduates. February 2021 sees the launch of the textbook's second edition published by Red Globe Press, part of Macmillan International's Higher Education portfolio. The new edition features additional content on crime and deviance and political sociology, plus new vox pop interviews and updated case studies.

Professor McCormack commented: "I'm delighted the book has proved so popular in introducing students to sociology as a discipline. The second edition has new content and updated examples, with a more international scope and content on the impact of COVID-19. It was certainly unusual making the final changes thinking about sociology across the world while in lockdown. Still, I think the new cover exemplifies the approach of the book - that sociology can be fun even as it addresses the serious issues we have to deal with as a society."