The Archbishop of Canterbury presents paper at the Practical Theology Seminar as part of the Digby Dialogues series

  • Wednesday, May 17, 2023

The Archbishop of Canterbury, the Most Reverend Justin Welby, took center stage at the Practical Theology Seminar in a thought-provoking presentation. This seminar, which formed part of the esteemed Digby Dialogues series, was expertly organized by Professor Francis Davis, drawing an eager audience of over 100 attendees both in-person and online from various corners of the University and beyond.

Image - The Archbishop of Canterbury presents paper at the Practical Theology Seminar as part of the Digby Dialogues series

Under the guidance of Dr. Ash Cocksworth, the seminar provided a platform for the Archbishop to delve into the theme of reconciliation, a subject of paramount importance within his tenure and the focal point of his recently published book, courtesy of Bloomsbury. The event took place in the tranquil setting of the Digby Chapel, lending an air of serenity and reverence to the occasion.

The gathering commenced with warm words of welcome from the Vice Chancellor, Professor Jean-Noël Ezingeard, who expressed gratitude for the presence of the esteemed Archbishop. The proceedings were further enhanced by a heartfelt reading of a poignant poem by Chanay Ismael, a student from the Digby community, adding a touch of artistry to the event.

"The paper from the Archbishop of Canterbury at the Practical Theology Seminar last semester was a great occasion to hear from a public figure on a matter of profound practical, theological, and social importance: reconciliation," commented Dr. Ash Cocksworth, who served as the seminar's chair. "The discussion following the paper was rich and engaging, and it was a joy to see so many people from across the life of the University participate in the seminar."