Launch of research findings into violence against grandparents

  • Tuesday, May 19, 2020

Roehampton's Dr Amanda Holt publishes findings of her research project into a hitherto neglected aspect of family violence.

Image - Launch of research findings into violence against grandparents

For most grandparents the ideal relationship with their grandchildren is one where they get to enjoy the 'nice bits' of child-rearing, such as days out and occasional babysitting, but where they get handed back to mum and dad for the trickeir bits like sleepless nights and discipline.  

For grandparents who have been given kinship care of their grandchildren however, there's no handing them back. Kinship care means the grandparents are looking after them full time because the child's parent is unable to, due to a range of problems that may include substance misuse, child abuse and mental illness. When the children become violent toward their grandparents many families are finding there's little support short of calling the police, and feelings of failure and shame often prevent them from seeking help. 

Dr Amanda Holt's research, published today, is based on interviews with 27 grandparents who've experience violent and abusive behaviour from their grandchildren, and throws light on a previously unexplored aspect of domestic violence. Funded by British Academy / Leverhulme Trust the research's disturbing findings reveal grandparents' experience of violence, what they see as its causes and how it impacts their lives.

Read the research summary here and visit Dr Holt's dedicated webiste including a launch podcast here.