Short-term study

For some short periods of study in the UK of up to 6 months, you may be directed towards a standard visitor visa.

You should contact to discuss if this option is going to be applicable.

A Short-Term visitor visa is only usually applicable to students participating in an undergraduate one-semester study abroad programme but could also be an option for any other participant of a short-term programme less than 6 months. This includes students who may need to come back to the UK to re-sit an exam or repeat a module and distance learning students who do not meet the requirements to study on a Student visa but occasionally need to visit the UK.

Please see UK Visas and Immigration guidance on Short-term Study students. 

If you are a visa national, you must apply for the short-term visitor visa before you travel to the UK. If you are not sure, check whether you need to apply for a visa before you travel.

If you do, you need to make your application online. If your application is successful, you will receive a vignette (sticker) on your passport.

If you are a non-visa national, you can apply for the short-term visitor visa on arrival at a UK border. If you are not sure, check whether you need to apply for a visa upon arrival to the UK.

If you are, you must declare your intention to study to the immigration officer upon arrival to the UK by showing a letter from your university confirming the course details and length. Your immigration permission will last 6 months from the date you entered the UK (please keep a copy of your boarding pass or e-ticket to show when you arrived). You should also be able to provide evidence that you can support yourself financially for the duration of your time in the UK (ie. bank statements, credit card etc.).

  • There are no minimum academic requirements for immigration purposes
  • There is no minimum English language level required for immigration purposes
  • There are no minimum hours of study so you can take up a full or part-time course
  • You will not be permitted to undertake any work or work placement (even if it is part of your course, or is unpaid)
  • It is not possible to switch from a short-term visitor visa to a Student visa or any other immigration category in the UK
  • You cannot bring any dependants. They will have to apply for a Standard Visitor Visa of their own if they wish to accompany you