Welcome to Roehampton - Induction

Congratulations on securing your place at Roehampton. We're so excited to have you with us.

Before you begin your lectures and seminars, we invite you to join us for Welcome Week.

Welcome Week is the essential way to kick start your studies, you'll meet the staff that will shape your experience, find out about the clubs and societies you can join, the support available to help you when you might need it, and most importantly meet the new friends you’ll make along the way.

Key dates

You'll get an email from enrolment@roehampton.ac.uk to the email account you applied with. It will contain a username, password and link to complete your online enrolment. Make sure you complete every step.

PGCE students will receive this early August, postgraduate taught students from early August and all other students in late August. If you've joined Roehampton through Clearing, this will arrive a few days after your offer has been confirmed.

Details will be sent directly to your roehampton.ac.uk email account.

Details will be sent directly to your roehampton.ac.uk email account.

Details will be sent directly to your roehampton.ac.uk email account.

If you are a student from overseas or a study abroad student, you can book a place on a coach from Heathrow Airport direct to campus, if you arrive on this date. Full details and how to book can be found here.

All overseas and study abroad students are invited to join Roehampton early to support you in the transition to living in the UK. We'll help you to settle in, learn about the most fun places to visit and how to make the most of your time at Roehampton, and most importantly how to keep safe and be healthy.

For full details, visit the schedule below and select international and study abroad students.

If you're living in halls of residence on-campus, you can start to move in from 17 September. The campus will come alive with our flat reps and student leaders to welcome you as you arrive. Details will be sent to you from our accommodation team in advance.

All new undergraduate and postgraduate taught students are invited to join us for Welcome Week and Freshers' Week. In Welcome Week, you'll meet your new course mates, people from your college and find out about the support available to you. To view your timetable, click the Welcome Week schedules link below. Freshers' Week is organised by our Students' Union – and is the essential way to kick start your time at Roehampton.

You'll also attend an in-person enrolment session, to collect your ID card and complete any checks.

Teaching starts for all undergraduate and postgraduate students. You can find your timetable here.

What do I need to do before I arrive?

Complete online enrolment
  • Look out for an email from our Registry team with enrolment instructions via the Nest portal.
  • Complete each step of online enrolment.
  • Schedule an in-person identification check and obtain your student ID card. International students need to address any remaining immigration or finance checks. Check your email for the booking link.
  • For further enrolment details, visit this link.
Check your induction timetable, freshers' week schedule
  • Check your induction timetable under your school and programme. Attendance is crucial. Induction begins from 18 September, but some courses with different start dates will be contacted directly.
  • Book your identification check at a time that doesn't conflict with your schedule.
  • Explore the students' union freshers' week plans, featuring numerous free events and wristband-accessible activities.
Download the New Students App

The New Students App allows you to view your induction and freshers' week schedule in one place.



Check your programme timetable
  • Complete online enrolment to access your programme timetable.
  • Timetables may not be available until early September. We'll notify you when it's ready.
  • View your timetable here.
  • Access Moodle, the virtual learning environment, where lecturers will share learning materials. Your academic staff will guide you during induction. Visit Moodle here.
International student?
  • Join our International Orientation Programme for support in transitioning to life in the UK. Learn about settling in, exploring fun places, maximizing your time at Roehampton, and staying safe and healthy.
  • For details, check the schedule for international and study abroad students.
  • Halls of residence residents students may qualify for free airport collection on 13 September.

What do I do once I arrive?


  Attend all the sessions in your induction timetable

Attend all induction sessions as per your timetable. Look out for student ambassadors on campus to assist you, and head to the University Library if you need guidance.

 Attend your in-person identification check

Attend your in-person identification check and collect your student ID card. This is crucial for starting your course and accessing student support.

 Meet your academic guidance tutor

Meet your academic guidance tutor, programme convenor or student engagement coach who who will reach out to you and be your primary contact throughout your time at Roehampton.

 Have some fun!

Make the most of your time at the University by exploring new activities and joining student groups. Don't miss the freshers' fair on 22 September, where you'll find various student groups and societies. You can view the full schedule here.

 Attend your first lecture

Don't worry if you find your timetable confusing; your academic team will explain it during induction. Most lectures start from 25 September onwards.

What else can I do before I join?

Why not explore everything we have to offer? We've made a series of videos to give you an overview of life at Roehampton and the support and guidance you will receive along the way from our Colleges, Student Wellbeing team and Roehampton Students' Union.

Preparing to Study at Roehampton

Here you’ll learn what it’s like to study at Roehampton where you’ll have access to our 24/7 academic support. You’ll discover your learning style and what your lectures and seminars will be like.

Preparing to Study at Roehampton

Life at Roehampton

Find out about the clubs and societies on offer and student life at Roehampton.

Life at Roehampton

Support and Guidance at Roehampton

Find out about the wellbeing, mental health and support teams who can support you throughout your studies.

Wellbeing at Roehampton

Reading and Resource Lists

Take a second to check if there is any pre-reading to complete for your course. If there isn’t, why not check out what might be coming up in the future to get a flavour of what’s to come?

View reading and resources lists


Learn about budgeting, managing your finances and what the options are if you need financial support. Create an account with BlackBullion and dive straight in!

Create an account

Consent Matters

Consent Matters is an interactive short course to build an understanding of consent, respect, boundaries and positive intervention.

Complete the course

Find out about your college

In addition to your programme, you're also a member of a college. Check out the link to find out more.

Which College am I in?

Create a LinkedIn profile

Getting started thinking about your future career starts now! There's no better way to start letting employers know about who you are, your skills and achievements than on LinkedIn. If you don't have a profile, set one up now, and make sure to list that you're attending Roehampton in the education section.

Create a profile

Follow us on social media

Frequently asked questions

We know you'll have a million questions before you arrive, we've done our best to answer them! If we can't, don't worry, once you're here we'll be able to resolve everything so you're ready to go.

Check out our full list of frequently asked questions.

Nest - Supporting you with University life

Where can I go for help?

Nest is the home for all things student support at Roehampton.

Whether you need a new student ID card, want to book an appointment with our Wellbeing team, have questions about your accommodation, problems with your course, or just want a chat, Nest is here for you.

Nest can help you with almost anything (try, we dare you!) so if you aren't sure who to speak to, drop in and see us, or ping us a message on our live chat.

You'll find Nest on-campus in the Library, at Whitelands and in Queens' Building 7 days a week, and online 24 hours a day.