Health and Safety

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Health and Safety

Once you have completed your enrolment you will be asked to complete mandatory online health and safety training. This will give you the information you need for studying, working and living safely at Roehampton.

Please keep an eye on your University email as you will be emailed a link to complete this training. 

In the meantime, please see below for some key infomation to help you stay safe, and what do do in an emergency during your time at Roehampton.


For all emergencies on campus call the Campus Security emergency phone 020 8392 3333. Please save this number as a Campus Security Emergency contact in your mobile phone.

If you ever need to call the emergency services directly, please inform Security immediately afterward on 020 8392 3333 so they can be sent to the correct location on arrival.

All Roehampton Security Officers are first aid trained and first aid boxes are placed throughout the University. If an emergency takes place on campus you should call the emergency telephone line on extension 3333 or from your mobile dial 020 8392 3333.

If the fire alarm sounds continuously you must leave the building immediately, go to the Fire Assembly Point and stay there. Never ignore a continuous fire alarm.

If you discover fire or smoke you must sound the fire alarm from a red box manual call point, these are in every building near stairwells, lift lobbies, and by the building’s fire exits. After sounding the alarm you must evacuate. Never try to fight the fire.

To assure your safety, there are fire and smoke detection and alarm systems fitted in all campus buildings. Please take time to read the Fire Action notice in your residence and make sure you know the escape routes out of the building. Fire alarm testing is done every week in every building and will sound for a few seconds. Fire drills are done once per year.

To reduce fire risk and prevent unwanted false alarms:

  • Smoking and vaping is prohibited inside all campus buildings.
  • Candles and incense are prohibited in all campus buildings.
  • Kitchen appliances and humidifiers are not allowed in student bedrooms.
  • If you need to clear shower steam or deodorant from your bathroom, open a window to ventilate the room, don't open the door.
  • Keep all fire doors and kitchen doors closed.
  • Never leave cooking food unattended.
  • Don't use air freshener or deodorant spray near smoke detectors.
  • Don't use hair dryers, hair straighteners and curling tongs near smoke detectors.

Faulty or unsafe electrical equipment can cause electric shocks and fires. Estates and Campus Services visit all student residences during the first month of the term to test all your electrical equipment to make sure that it is safe. If you are not sure your electrical equipment is safe, please don't use it until it can be tested.

Important information for overseas students from countries which use lower voltage mains electrical supply than the UK 240 Volt AC. Please do not connect your lower voltage appliances directly into a UK power supply as this will most likely damage your appliance and create a fire risk.

Based on advice from Public Health England, the University strongly recommends that all incoming students are vaccinated for Meningitis before they arrive. If you do not receive the vaccine before you start university, our on campus Student Medical Centre does offer a free service to all students.  

Register for the Student Medical Centre now

The Student Medical Centre is based on Froebel College and the telephone number is 020 8392 3679. 

A PEEP is a bespoke plan for students who require assistance to evacuate a building in an emergency. A PEEP is strongly recommended if you have a temporary or permanent physical or mental disability, injury, health condition, impaired sight, hearing or mobility.

Many of the University's buildings have lifts which cannot be used during a fire alarm activation. Refuge Points with communications systems are provided in the protected stairwells and lift lobbies so Security can be called for assistance during an emergency, they are trained to help you leave the building and get to a place of safety.

Please email for more information about PEEPs.

Everyone at Roehampton, whether studying, working, or visiting, has the right to feel safe. Harassment of any kind is completely unacceptable, and our community is an environment where prejudice and socially unacceptable behaviour are never tolerated.

Our Report + Support tool will allow you to report unacceptable behaviour, and access the support you need. Click here to find out more. 

To improve your safety when out on the street you should:

Stay alert - Remember, if you are wearing headphones or chatting on your mobile phone you will be distracted from your surroundings and will not hear trouble approaching.

Invest in a personal safety alarm – These can be used to shock and disorientate an attacker giving you vital seconds to get away.

Make sure you avoid danger spots - Stick to busy well lit streets whenever possible and avoid quiet or badly lit alleyways, subways or isolated parks or waste grounds. Take the safer route, even if it is longer.

Plan ahead - Know where you're going and the best way to get there. Whenever possible, avoid long waiting times at bus stops and stations by checking the arrival times before leaving home.

Listen to your instincts - If you feel threatened, head for a safe place where there are lots of people, such as a pub, shop, garage etc.

Ensure you take the same precautions wherever you are - It's natural to feel more relaxed and comfortable in your own neighbourhood than an unfamiliar area but it's important not to get complacent about your personal safety even when close to home.

For more safety tips go to