Roehampton Climate Network launched on Earth Day 2021

  • Friday, April 23, 2021

Yesterday evening (22 April), four Roehampton professors launched the Roehampton Climate Network (RCN) at an online event chaired by Professor Sunitha Narendran, Director of Roehampton Business School. Professor Molly Scott Cato, Professor Anne Robertson, Professor Shelley Trower and Professor Jeremie Gilbert have come together to highlight the threats we face and the innovative solutions being developed across the University.

Image - Roehampton Climate Network launched on Earth Day 2021

The RCN will have three main aims:

  • To share knowledge and insights through public-facing events
  • To bring together academic colleagues from across the University to learn from each other and collaborate on research opportunities
  • Be an activist organisation to drive change and work with the University to lower its carbon emissions

Professor Gilbert said: “It is important to react to the climate emergency now. With COP26 taking place in Glasgow later this year, lots of countries are launching their targets and national plan of action. This triggered us into thinking what work we can do, as academics and a community, to drive forward change.”

Professor Scott Cato added: “We have young people coming to us who are already showing strong leadership on this. They have incredibly deep insights and a real sense of responsibility to address the climate crisis. We have a duty to prepare them for the future and can also learn a lot from them.”

The climate crisis is a societal issue which affects all of us and can only be solved by working together. The RCN also brings together a number of academics from diverse disciplines, all of whom are working on and researching climate issues. This knowledge is being incorporated to the curriculum of some of our existing programmes and also leading the development of new programmes, including an MA Environmental Humanities.  

The RCN will be organising more events to share knowledge and ways in which the Roehampton community, and wider public, can drive forward change. The Network invites all staff and students to get involved, and updates will be published on the website and staff and student portals.

To watch the recording of the event, please click here.