Heat Acclimation Services

When competing in hot conditions your performance is compromised. A very effective way to minimise the performance impairments is to undertake training in a controlled hot environment prior to travelling to the event – this is called heat acclimation. Heat acclimation results in physiological adjustments which reduce the strain placed on the body, reduce the perceived temperature and task difficulty, and improve subsequent performance in the heat. The benefit is dependent upon the time spent being hot; however, beneficial adaptations can occur after only a few sessions. We are London’s best heat acclimation service and offer a range of acclimation options to suit your budget and training schedule:

  • Short-term heat acclimation: One session. Cost: £120 per hour
  • Medium-term heat acclimation: Five one hour* sessions undertaken over two weeks (on consecutive days or every other day). Cost: £550 (£110 per hour)
  • Long-term heat acclimation: Ten one hour* sessions undertaken over a period of more than two weeks (on consecutive days or every other day). Cost: £1000 (£100 per hour)

*If you desire a different duration please state this in your enquiry. A quote can then be provided.

If desired, the following services can be combined to form a complete package.

  • Pre-acclimation VO2 max: £125.
  • Pre- and post-acclimation exercise performance test: £200.


The acclimation sessions can be carried out on a treadmill or a bicycle. Core body temperature will be measured using either a rectal thermistor or ingestible telemetry pill (an additional cost of £75 per session apply if telemetry measurement is requested).


Fill in our online booking form; you will be contacted by a member of staff to book your session.